With a top-up loan, which is usually available during home loan balance transfer, a lender extends an additional credit line over and above the existing loan amount. Such credit is usually available at an easy rate of interest. Nonetheless, there are a few important factors that borrowers should keep in mind before availing a top up loan on home loan –
Conditions to avail it
To be eligible for such an additional loan amount, borrowers need to initiate the home loan balance transfer process. Moreover, one needs to have a regular repayment record as well.
No end-use restriction
There are no limitations imposed on home loan top up in terms of its usage. The fund may be utilised to meet any number of expenditures that the borrower sees fit.
The maximum repayment tenure of a top up loan is 20 years, or till the period of repayment of the home loan. This loan tenure also depends on the borrower’s age, income, credit profile and property value. For such credit, you can calculate your monthly outgo with the help of a top up loan calculator.
Must Read: Things you should know before taking a top-up loan.
Amount limit
Even though the total balance does not usually exceed 70% to 80% of the total property valuation, the maximum top up loan amount sanctioned varies from one lender to another.
Tax benefits
If you have used the top up loan amount for construction, extension or renovation of a home, or funding children’s education, you are entitled to claim tax benefits.